Who We Are

What We Believe


We believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, Healer, and Soon-Coming King.

We stand firm on the foundation set by Hebrews 13:8, which proclaims: "Jesus Christ the Same, Yesterday and Today and Forever."


我们坚信在希伯来书 13:8 的基础上,宣告:“耶稣基督,昨日今日一直到永远是一样的”。

Our Declaration of Faith


1. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES We believe the Bible is God-inspired (2 Timothy 3:16, 17).

2. THE ETERNAL GODHEAD We believe God is triune: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (1 John 5:7, 2 Corinthians 13:14).

3. THE FALL OF MAN We believe that man was created in the image of God, but by voluntary disobedience fell from perfection (Genesis 1:27, Romans 5:12, 19).

4. THE PLAN OF REDEMPTION We believe that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us, signing the pardon of all who believe in Him (John 3:16; Romans 5:8; Titus 2:14).

5. SALVATION THROUGH GRACE We believe that we have no righteousness and must come to God pleading the righteousness of Christ (Ephesians 2:8, 9).

6. REPENTANCE AND ACCEPTANCE We believe that upon sincere repentance, and a whole-hearted acceptance of Christ, we are justified before God (Luke 24:46, 47; Romans 10:6-10; 2 Timothy 2:24-26; 1 John 1:9).

7. THE NEW BIRTH We believe that the change which takes place in the heart and life at conversion is a very real one (2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 2:20).

8. DAILY CHRISTIAN LIFE We believe that it is the will of God that we be sanctified daily, growing constantly in the faith (2 Corinthians 7:1; Hebrews 6:1).

9. BAPTISM AND THE LORD’S SUPPER We believe that baptism by immersion is an outward sign of an inward work (Matthew 28:19, 20; Romans 6:4). We believe in the commemoration of the Lord’s Supper by the symbolical use of the bread and juice of the vine (1 Corinthians 11:24-26).

10. BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT We believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is to endue the believer with power; and that His incoming is after the same manner as in Bible days (Acts 1:5, 8; 2:4).

11. THE SPIRIT-FILLED LIFE We believe that it is the will of God that we walk in the Spirit daily (Ephesians 4:30-32; Galatians 5:16, 25).

12. THE GIFTS AND FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT We believe that the Holy Spirit has spiritual gifts for the Christian; and that believers should show spiritual fruit as evidence of a Spirit-filled life (1 Corinthians 12:1-11; Galatians 5:22, 23).

13. MODERATION We believe that the experience and daily walk of the believer should never lead him into extremes of fanaticisms (Colossians 3:12, 13; Philippians 4:5; James 5:19, 20).

14. DIVINE HEALING We believe that divine healing is the power of Christ to heal the sick in answer to the prayer of faith (Mark 16:17, 18; James 5:14-16).

15. THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST We believe that the second coming of Christ is personal and imminent (Matthew 24:36, 42, 44; 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17).

16. CHURCH RELATIONSHIP We believe it is our sacred duty to identify ourselves with the visible church of Christ (Acts l6:5; Hebrews 10:24, 25).

17. CIVIL GOVERNMENT We believe that rulers should be upheld at all times except in things opposed to the will of God (Acts 4:18-20; Romans 13:1-5).

18. JUDGMENT We believe that all shall stand some day before the judgement seat of God; and there receive eternal life or death (Romans 2:1-16; Revelation 20:11, 12; 2 Corinthians 5:10).

19. HEAVEN We believe that heaven is the glorious eternal home of born-again believers (John 14:1-3; Revelation 7:15-17).

20. HELL We believe that hell is the place of eternal torment for all who reject Christ as the Saviour (Matthew 13:41, 42; Revelation 20:10-15).

21. EVANGELISM We believe that soul winning is the most important responsibility of the Church (Acts 1:8; 8:4-8, James 5:20; Mark 16:15).

22. TITHES AND OFFERINGS We believe that the method ordained of God for the support and spread of His cause is by giving of tithes and free-will offerings (Malachi 3:10; 2 Corinthians 9:6-15).

Download the full “Foursquare Declaration of Faith” for detail:



1. 圣经 — (提摩太后书3:16, 17)


2. 无始无终的上帝 — (约翰壹书5:7; 哥林多后书 13:14)

我们相信三位一体的真神。圣父、圣子、圣灵乃永恆共存,神      性相等的。

3. 人类的败坏 — (创世记1:27; 罗马书5:12, 19)


4. 救赎的计划 —(约翰福音3:16; 罗马书 5:8; 提多书2:14)


5. 得救是本乎恩 — (以弗所书2:8, 9)


6. 悔改及接受 — (路加福音 24:46, 47; 罗马书10:6-10; 提摩太后书 2:24-26; 约翰壹书1:9)


7. 重生 — (哥林多后书5:17; 加拉太书2:20)


8. 信徒日常生活 — (哥林多后书7:1; 希伯来书 6:1)


9. 施洗及圣餐 — (马太 28:19, 20; 罗马书6:4; 哥林多前书11:24-26)


10. 圣灵施洗 — (使徒行传1:5, 8; 2:4)


11. 受圣灵充满的生命 — (以弗所书4:30-32; 加拉太书5:16, 25)


12. 圣灵的恩赐及圣灵的果子 — (哥林多前书12:1-11; 加拉太书5:22, 23)


13. 中庸 — (歌罗西书3:12, 13; 腓立比书4:5; 雅各书 5:19, 20)


14. 上帝的医治 — (马可福音16:17, 18; 雅各书5:14-16)


15. 基督再来 — (马太福音24:36, 42, 44帖撒罗尼迦前书4:16, 17)


16. 教会彼此的关係 — (使徒行传16:5; 希伯来书10:24, 25)


17. 地方政府 — (使徒行传4:18-20; 罗马书13:1-5)


18. 最后的审判 — (罗马书 2:1-16; 启示录20:11, 12; 哥林多后书5:10)


19. 天国 — (约翰福音14:1-3; 启示录7:15-17)


20. 地狱 — (马太福音13:41, 42;启示录20:10-15)


21. 传扬福音 — (使徒行传 1:8; 8:4-8; 雅各书5:20; 马可福音16:15)


22. 十一奉献及其他奉献 — (玛拉基书3:10; 哥林多后书9:6-15)




We aim to be an excellent Christian community, taking God's love from house to house, touching people… changing lives.

It is our desire to share the life-changing love of God with the people of Gothenburg - our immediate community and beyond! This happens when every member of the GCC family connects to the people they live, play and work with.

In doing so, we seek to become God’s heart and hand extended, making a positive difference in our world.

我们以建立一个卓越的基督教会为目标,带着神的爱,挨家挨户,触爱人群…改变生命 。我们祈望与哥德堡人人分享神改变生命的爱,从这个社区直到地极。我们要动员神家的肢体,进入他们的生活层面,发挥作盐作光的功能。在此过程中,让我们寻求神的心意,成为祂膀臂的延伸,积极来影响我们的世界。

ABOUT GCC / 关于我们

We are a Christian Community affiliated to The Foursquare Gospel Church of Sweden.

We spread God's love from Gothenburg and beyond, introducing the world to Jesus Christ: the Savior, Baptizer, Healer and Soon-Coming King.




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Mailing Address:

Liabovägen 4,

429 41, Särö, Kungsbacka, SWEDEN

T.  +46762-83 43 54 / +46709-39 51 00

E. gchristiancentre@gmail.com

W. www.gccc.se